Breas-t Augmentation
(Augmentation Mammoplasty)

03 Aug 2023

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Augmentation mammoplasty is the medical term for Breas-t augmentation. It is also referred to as Breas-t enhancement or Breas-t enlargement. Breas-t augmentation can be performed to make smaller Breas-t appear larger, balance Breas-t that are asymmetrical or restore fullness that has diminished with age or as a result of pregnancy.

The Breas-t enhancement process involves close communication and cooperation between patient and surgeon. Before Breas-t implants are placed, many decisions must be made, including the type and size of the Breas-t implant, where it will be placed, and the location of the incision.

Right candidate

If you are a healthy adult with a positive self-image, Breas-t augmentation may be a good option for you. Discussing Breas-t implants and Breas-t augmentation may be the right way of answering any of your questions or addressing any concerns. The important thing is to make an informed decision that you feel confident about.

Type of anesthesia - performed under general anesthesia


This type of plastic surgery involves placing silicone Breas-t implants either behind the Breas-t tissue or beneath the chest muscle to add size, shape, and fullness to the Breas-t.

In the vast majority of patients, the fat and glandular tissue can be removed by liposuction using specialized cannulas, as a result of which there is a practically minimal scar.

The incisions are made either below Breas-t fold or in the nipple-areola complex so that the final scar is not visible. The appropriate tissue is lifted, and the Breas-t implants are inserted in the pocket created, and the incision closed in layers.

After your surgery

Postoperative care: Most women can expect to return to work in a few days to a week. The compressive garment with a belt at the upper pole is advised to be worn for about three weeks. Exercise can typically be resumed two to three weeks following Breas-t enlargement surgery.

Patient concerns: There have been concerns about the safety of Breas-t implants in the past. Presently available data shows that Breas-t implants do not lead to an increase in the incidence of Breas-t cancer or autoimmune diseases.

Breas-t enlargement surgery should not affect a woman's ability to breastfeed.


Yes, there is an alternative to Breas-t implants. This is Lipoinjection or fat grafting. Fat cells are harvested from one's own body by liposuction and are transplanted into the Breas-t. The advantage of this procedure is that one's own autologous tissue is used and no foreign material (implant) is used. Also, it is a minimally invasive procedure with no perceptible scars. Hence it is more natural. But this may require 2-3 sessions at an interval of 6 months to get the desired result depending on the take of fat cells per procedure.

Before & After Breas-t Augmentation

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