
Liposuction Recovery: Tips on How To Enhance Your Recovery

Many people struggle with extensive body image issues. There are times when certain stubborn fat cells are hard to reduce even after vigorous exercise and a healthy diet.

Liposuction Surgery in Delhi is a fairly common cosmetic procedure that is done to remove excess fat from the body. As the name suggests, the surgical procedure makes use of a technique where the fat is suctioned from specific areas of the body like the abdomen, thighs, chin, arms, and buttocks.

Liposuction helps in :

  • Shaping the body by creating natural contours.
  • Reducing fat cells.
  • Increasing aesthetic appeal of the body.

There are many clinics that provide Liposuction Surgery in Delhi. Aesculpir is one of the most renowned clinics with state of art facilities and instrumentation. We at Aesculpir are result-oriented and we believe in helping you achieve your best body. It is a one-stop clinic for Liposuction surgery for all your aesthetic needs.

Liposuction Recovery: Tips to Enhance it.

Liposuction Surgery as the name suggests is a surgical procedure, so the doctor will put you under anaesthesia to do the surgery. The time for the procedure depends upon the extent of the fat removal. The doctor cuts small incisions in the hidden areas of the body from where the fat is being sucked. Even though it is a small surgical procedure and incisions made are small, it is very important to take care of the body after liposuction to heal faster.

What will you notice after the procedure?

  • Right after the procedure, there might be some swelling and bruising in the area
  • Mild to moderate amount of pain; can be persistent in the first 48 hours. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and painkillers to ease up the pain.
  • There will be soreness in the region

These are some common symptoms after the surgery which will eventually go away once the body starts healing and recovering.

| Also Read: Liposuction Surgery: Facts vs Myths |

What will be the Recovery time?

The time of recovery completely depends on the degree of liposuction that is performed. In normal cases, the recovery period is around 2 weeks and most of the patients can return to their regular schedule in around two weeks.

So, what are some tips that can actually speed up the healing process?

  • Take it slow: The body requires enough time to heal from any surgery. It is generally advised to take one or two weeks off from work and give the body complete rest.
  • Taking a walk: Walking is one of the easiest forms of low impact workout that can help you speed up your recovery after liposuction surgery. Walking helps in promoting good blood circulation which reduces swelling.
  • Keeping the body hydrated: Water is your best friend! Dehydration after any surgery is very common. It is advised to drink plenty of water to promote tissue healing.
  • No Smoking: Cigarettes contain nicotine which damages the tissue and can have side effects post-surgery. You should completely avoid smoking after the surgery to prevent infections and heal faster.
  • Wear the compression garment: After the surgery, the doctor provides a compression garment that helps in keeping the body in shape. A compression garment is a piece of clothing that applies constant pressure and stops the bleeding from the liposuctioned area. It also : 
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  • Wearing comfortable clothes: It is very important to wear loose and comfortable clothes following the liposuction surgery because tight clothing may put unnecessary irritation on the surgical site.
  • No strenuous physical activities: It is strictly advised to not do any intense physical workout right after the liposuction surgery. This can actually damage your body and can prolong your recovery time. The doctor will gradually increase the time and amount of physical activity.
  • Visit your doctor: It is very important to frequently visit your doctor after the surgery and undergo regular checkups. It helps in keeping a check on the healing process and monitor any complications before they get worse.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet: The body requires vitamins and minerals to properly heal and regain its strength, so it is very important to eat a good diet full of vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients. There are some things that you need to keep in mind:
    • Reduce the intake of sodium as it can cause the body to retain water 
    • Increase protein intake because it helps in healing
    • Refrain from overheating by including fruits in your diet
    • Reduce sugar intake
  • Hygiene: It is very important to maintain proper hygiene after liposuction surgery because it prevents developing infection. It is important to change the bandages regularly. 
  • Taking long baths: Avoid soaking into bathtubs because soaking in water for longer durations can reduce the rate of healing and increase the risk of getting an infection.
  • Massages: Massaging according to the surgeon’s instructions can have wonderful effects. It has shown to decrease swelling, increase the healing process by increasing blood circulation and it helps in minimising the pain and discomfort following the surgery.

| Also Read: Can Fat Return After Liposuction? |

Following all the guidelines and the tips mentioned above will help you recover very quickly and get back to your normal schedule after the liposuction surgery in Delhi.

 liposuction surgery in delhi

When to seek help?

It is really important after surgery to take complete care of your body and also keep an active check on any complications or issues that might arise after the surgery. Below are some of the common liposuction risks that you need to take care of after the surgery.

  • Wound infection: not maintaining proper hygiene and not following the instructions can lead to an infection in the area where the liposuction surgery has been performed. If you notice any sign of infection or pain on the wound, visit your doctor.
  • Loose skin: as liposuction removes the fat layer which is present below the skin, you might see some loose skin. The skin repairs itself over a period of time but if the loose skin concerns you a lot, you might want to consult that with the surgeon.
  • Superficial irregularities: sometimes the skin may appear a bit lumpy, with dents that are supposed to go away in a few weeks but if that persists you should consult your surgeon for touch-ups.
  • Excessive fat removal: Sometimes there is excessive fat removal which is also known as lipotrop. This can cause an uneven appearance in the skin. It is a common undesirable side effect.
  • Persistent swelling and bruising: bruising and swelling should go away in a few weeks but if that persists, it is better to see the doctor.

| Also Read: Liposuction Scars: Does Liposuction Leave Scars After Operation?

Complications associated with operating procedures such as liposuction can result in arm liposuction scars, thigh scars and body scars which can be eliminated with proper care after the operation.

A good surgeon will communicate well, produce the desired outcomes, and take good care post liposuction surgery.

Take Away

At Aesculpir, we believe in offering patient-satisfying solutions that are both cost-effective and minimally intrusive. We understand your fears and questions about the surgery, and we are here to put an end to all of your worries.

The Aesculpir is a renowned cosmetic clinic that specializes in Liposuction Surgery in Delhi. It is a one-stop destination for different liposuction treatments, with skilled doctors and a staff of highly committed professionals. The different Liposuction surgery treatments available here are:

  • Non surgical liposuction
  • Laser liposuction
  • Face liposuction surgery
  • Thigh and torso liposuction surgery
  •  Arm liposuction surgery

The Liposuction Cost in Delhi ranges from INR 50,000 to INR 200,000, depending on the region. However, keep in mind that these figures are subjective and will fluctuate, and we encourage that patients depend on a clinic’s reputation and success rate rather than the packages it offers.

At Aesculpir, you will receive excellent liposuction surgical treatment as well as optimal post-operative care from a team of reputable cosmetic doctors at a reasonable price.

At Aesculpir, we believe in offering patient-satisfying solutions that are both cost-effective and minimally intrusive. We understand your fears and questions about the surgery, and we are here to put an end to all of your worries.

Aesculpir is the finest facility for you, with high success rates and the best hair transplant surgeons in Delhi! Consult the best specialists right now! 

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