“ And I said to my body softly, “I want to be your friend”.... It took a long breath and replied , “ I have been waiting my whole life for this.”

02 Aug 2023

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“ And I said to my body softly, “I want to be your friend”.... It took a long breath and replied , “ I have been waiting my whole life for this.”

A balance body proportion not only enhances your personality ,it improves your self esteem and motivates you to set the bar for your fitness. Body contouring /lift procedures helps attain these goals and bring out a happy you from within.


A flat stomach or a "non protuberant abdomen" is important to a physically fit appearance. However, a sagging skin in the abdominal area is bothered you. For these appearance problems, abdominoplasty (also called tummy tuck) may be a good choice for you. ….Read More

Six pack abdominal contour

Form of liposculpting that removes excess fat between the abdominal muscles , creating indentations resembling 6 pack stomach. It selectively removes fat around the natural muscular contours which is very difficult to get rid of even with tireless stomach crunches and sit ups..….Read More


Suction-assisted lipectomy- also known as liposuction, fat suction, or suction lipectomy is a technique to remove unwanted fat deposits from specific areas of the body. Liposuction is not a substitute for weight reduction, but a method of removing localized fat that doesn't respond to dieting and exercise. ….Read More

Arm Lift

Upper arm lift or brachioplasty is a procedure which removes excess fat and sagging skin from upper arm creating a firm and youthful contour..….Read More

Thigh Lift

Thigh lift is generally indicated in massive weight loss patients who have excess skin fold in the medial inner thigh causing rubbing of skin leading to skin rashes ….Read More

Mummy Makeover

Mummy Makeover is restoration of the shape and appearance of a woman's body after child birth. Plastic surgery and non-surgical procedures after pregnancy are geared towards the improvement of post-pregnancy changes to a woman’s body..….Read More

Genital Rejuvenation

Keeping up with the ever changing society and its demands genital rejuvenation is becoming more and more popular as it helps in regaining individual self confidence ….Read More