If you have the most gorgeous hair, it can be the most beautiful revenge.

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4 Aug 2023

You are never fully dressed without great hair..... invest in your hair , it’s the crown you never take off ....
Good hair can boost your personality where as unwanted hair may lower your confidence making you feel conscious ...
There is a solution to both .... from non surgical to surgical techniques from getting rid of unwanted hair to getting denser and fuller scalp ...

Laser Hair Reduction

Unwanted hairs distort the complete look of people and also make them uncomfortable and less confident. Laser hair removal therapy has proven to be a boon for all such individuals. ….Read More

PRP Therapy for Hair Loss

Prp “platelet rich plasma” is a component of your own blood which is separated through series of centrifugation .This component of blood is rich in growth factors which promotes the growth of component into which it is injected..….Read More

Hair Transplant

Hair transplant is a scientific technique through which individual hair follicles are implanted from a fertile part of body or scalp to the bald site. Generally the fertile part from which hairs are picked is referred as donor site and the bald region is referred as the recipient site. ….Read More