Flat Nose Surgery

Flat Nose Surgery- Risk, Safety, Recovery & Cost

A flat nose bridge is a common facial feature, particularly in some ethnicities. While it doesn’t affect health in most cases, some individuals may seek correction for aesthetic reasons or to improve breathing difficulties.

Flat nose surgery, more accurately termed rhinoplasty in this context, can address these concerns. At The Aesculpir, our team of experienced cosmetic surgeons is here to provide comprehensive surgical interventions for flat noses that meet your treatment goals and expectations.

This comprehensive guide explores the risks, safety measures, costs, and rhinoplasty recovery process for a flat nose.

What is the Correlation Between Flat Nose and Rhinoplasty?

Before we explore flat nose surgery, it makes sense for us to understand the basics. Given that patient education is a priority for us at The Aesculpir, we ensure that our patients have a clear picture of the treatment plan and procedure before we proceed.

As many know, the nose is a complex structure composed of bone and cartilage covered by skin. The nasal bridge, the bony upper portion, defines the nose’s profile. Flat noses have a low or absent bridge, creating a flattened appearance.

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that reshapes the nose. For flat noses, the goal is typically to elevate the bridge, creating a more defined profile. This can be achieved through various techniques, depending on the patient’s nasal anatomy and the kind of outcome one is expecting.

What are the Types of Rhinoplasty for Flat Nose?

Choosing the correct type of rhinoplasty is key to achieving a more uniform and anatomically aligned nose. This ensures that the patient can experience what they had been expecting from their surgery.

When it comes to breaking down the basics, three types of rhinoplasties can be considered for treating a flat nose:

Augmentation rhinoplasty

Like the name suggests, augmentation rhinoplasty involves inserting material into the bridge of the nose to increase its height. Grafts, typically harvested from the septum (internal nose partition) or ear cartilage, rib cartilage  are used for this purpose. Implants made of synthetic materials may also be employed.

Open rhinoplasty

This technique uses an external incision on the columella (the vertical strip separating the nostrils) to access the underlying structures. It allows for greater visibility and control during bridge augmentation. So, if the extent of the flat nose or the concerns is extensive in the patient, considering an open rhinoplasty is usually the way to go.

Closed rhinoplasty

Here, incisions are hidden entirely within the nostrils, offering a potentially scar-less outcome. However, it may limit visibility for complex procedures like bridge augmentation. In most cases, this surgical approach is leveraged for patients who don’t want any “visible” scarring and need minimal surgical intervention.

The choice of technique depends on the severity of the flatness, the desired outcome, and the surgeon’s expertise. At The Aesculpir, we discuss the treatment and surgical options available for treating flat noses to enable our patients to make an informed decision.

What can One Expect from Flat Nose Surgery?

To better understand the flat nose surgery and its implementation, it makes sense that you’d need to make up your mind about the procedure. This includes knowing what to expect before, during, and after the surgery. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the same:

Pre-surgical consultation

When considering flat nose treatment, a thorough pre-surgical consultation is a must. We encourage all our patients to prioritize this with one of our leading cosmetic surgeons on the team.

The purpose of this consultation is to understand the patient’s:

  • Goals
  • Medical history
  • Ongoing chronic ailments and medications

The surgeon will assess your facial features, skin quality, nasal structure, and septum thickness. This enables the surgeon to determine the best surgical plan for the patient, which is then discussed at length with the patient. Also, during that stage, pre-operative photos will be taken for reference.

During this period, the patient also thoroughly discusses the anesthesia options to ensure optimal comfort and safety during the surgery.

Surgical Procedure

On the day of the surgery, the first step is to let the patient change into the sterilized hospital gown and then undergo anesthesia to prepare for the surgery.

The surgeon will get the incisions done depending on the best suited technique (open or closed rhinoplasty). In case of open rhinoplasty, an incision is made on the columella (the vertical strip separating the nostrils) for better visibility. Closed rhinoplasty uses incisions hidden entirely within the nostrils.

Grafts from your septum or ear cartilage or rib cartilage or  synthetic implants will elevate and reshape the bridge. The surgeon meticulously sculpts the grafts for a natural look.

Lastly, following a satisfactory surgical intervention, the last step is closing the incision with sutures. A splint might be applied to the nose for added stability.

At The Aesculpir, our cosmetic surgeons prioritize precision and personalization in their surgical plans to ensure optimal care for the patient and the treatment goals are aligned with the patient’s expectations.

What is Recovery Like After a Flat Nose Surgery?

After the surgery, the patient is transferred to the recovery room, where they are monitored until the anesthesia wears off. Depending on the severity of the surgery, the patient can either be discharged the same day or a day later.

Two of the most common consequences of flat nose surgery are swelling and bruising. However, the good news is that the complications are usually temporary. These side effects usually subside between weeks 2 and 4 after the surgery.

Since it’s a pretty severe surgery, it makes sense that pain is a recurring and common constant. You’d be prescribed pain medication to manage the discomfort better and ensure you aren’t having trouble breathing.

Also, the splint that is applied after the nose surgery for added support is usually removed within a week of discharge. A soft diet is advised for the first few days after the surgery to ensure that the patient isn’t overexerting the surgical site.

As for the activity restrictions, any strenuous activity should be avoided. Bending over or blowing the nose is also inhibited until the nose has healed entirely. It could take several weeks before the patient is given the green light to resume these activities.

To ensure optimal recovery, scheduled regular appointments are also a must. This enables the surgeon to monitor how well the nose is healing and address any concerns that could arise following the surgery.

Lastly, the patient can gradually resume most activities within 2-4 weeks but avoid strenuous exercise for 6-8 weeks. It can take up to a year for all swelling to subside and for the final aesthetic outcome to be fully evident, so patience is key.

What are the Risks Associated with Flat Nose Surgery?

When done by an experienced and qualified surgeon, the risks of a nose job for a flat nose are usually minimized (and often eliminated). However, like with any kind of surgical intervention, even flat nose surgery comes with a few inherent risks, including:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Asymmetry with the results
  • Numbness
  • Scarring

Some of the most effective ways to minimize the risks are:

  • Always prioritize getting the surgery done by a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon who is board-certified.
  • A thorough pre-operative consultation is key to analyzing whether you are an ideal candidate and whether or not you will benefit from the surgery.
  • Also, a key consideration when it comes to getting flat nose surgery is realistic expectations. The best way to do that is to have open communication with the surgeon.
  • Post-operative care is crucial for optimal recovery and to reduce complications like infection, scarring, etc.

What is the Cost of Flat Nose Surgery?

To be fair, there is no standard for the cost of nose surgery for fixing a flat nose. There are several variables involved, including:

  • Surgeon’s fees
  • Facility fees
  • Anesthesia type
  • Geographic location, etc.

On average, flat nose surgery costs Rs. 80,000 and can be as high as Rs. 2,50,000, depending on the extent and severity of the surgery. Unless functionally required, there is a chance that insurance might not cover the costs that you incur from the surgery.


Choosing flat nose surgery requires careful consideration. With so many factors influencing the surgical procedure and its outcome, we recommend making an informed decision. At The Aesculpir, we guarantee comprehensive solutions that address any concerns you might have regarding your flat nose. With open communication and transparent solutions, our surgeons guarantee optimal medical care.

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