Eye Bag Surgery

Eye Bag Surgery: Costs, Benefits, Risks, Recovery Time and More

“We aim to transform you into the most beautiful version of yourself”~ Aesculpir

The eyes are indeed the window to the soul. Your eyes are one of the most noticeable parts of the face, and everyone wants to have attractive, young, and vibrant eyes. Find the Most Affordable Eye Bag Surgery Cost in Delhi at The Aesculpir Clinic.

The skin beneath the eyes is prematurely ageing in today’s hectic world of stress, pollution, and lack of sleep. Ageing also causes a loss of elasticity under the skin of the eyelids, which can result in the formation of an under-eye saggy pouch. 

As aesthetic cosmetic surgery continues to advance. There are treatments available to address under-eye bags. Under-eye bag surgery, which is a very common and popular treatment, aids in the elimination of under-eye bags and the restoration of youthful and attractive eyes.

When it comes to surgical intervention around the eyes, you might have a plethora of questions like Is eye bag surgery safe? Is eye bag surgery worth it? Or like: How long does eye bag surgery last?

The article below answers all this and more!

What is Eye Bag Surgery?

Under Eye bag surgery, often known as blepharoplasty, is a relatively popular procedure that is frequently suggested for the restoration of drooping eyelids.  

There are face muscles and supporting tissues  present beneath the eyes, and with age, the muscle around the eyes weakens. This causes rapid accumulation of fat beneath the eye, as well as sagginess and puffiness. Droopy eyelids make you look more older than you are, and they can even impair your vision. This surgery also includes the removal of extra skin beneath the eyes, as well as the fatty tissue. 

Blepharoplasty is a simple treatment that can be done if :

  • Your upper or lower eyelids are excessively sagging or droopy.
  • Heavy bags beneath the eyes, giving the appearance of being elderly
  • Excessive eye bags that cannot be concealed by cosmetics.
  • Extra skin and wrinkles on the lower and upper eyelids

Blepharoplasty not only helps you look younger and takes years off your face, but it also provides you with attractive eyes and an instant makeover.

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Procedure of Under Eye Bag Surgery

Before the operation, the surgeon does a comprehensive physical examination to assess the condition of the eyelids and tear secretion. A comprehensive vision examination is also performed to assess your peripheral vision.

  • The treatment begins with the administration of anaesthesia to guarantee that the muscles of the eye relax and you experience no pain.
  • The surgery is performed on the upper eyelid first, and the doctor usually begins with the upper eyelid incision.  
  • The method entails creating an incision around the natural crease of the eyes, removing the excess skin, muscle, and fat, and then closing the incision.
  • The same procedure is also done on the lower eyelid where the incision is made below the eyelash line. These incisions are not visible after proper healing.
  • After extra fat skin and muscles are removed and adjusted,  the incisions are sealed with the help of sutures and bandaged.

Benefits of Eye Bag Surgery in Delhi

When it comes to eyelid surgery in Delhi or blepharoplasty, there are numerous benefits. The benefits of under-eye bag surgery include not just cosmetic enhancement but also improve eyesight.

  • Restoring the eyelids and eliminating excess skin improves peripheral vision and allows you to see better.
  • Eyelid surgery gives you a younger and beautiful appearance. As the extra skin and wrinkles under the eyes are removed, the overall face appears younger, less puffy, and less tired.
  • Eyelid surgery offers you a more awake and rejuvenated appearance. You will spend less time in front of the mirror covering under eye bags and spend less money on cosmetics and concealing products.
  • You appear fresh and well-rested. The procedure can significantly improve your overall appearance.
  • The procedure provides considerable improvements and minimum scarring, resulting in a more natural look.
  • You feel much better and confident  when you look good.

What to Expect After the Eye Bag Surgery?

You may have problems such as watery eyes, sensitivity to light, soreness or discomfort from the surgery immediately following the operation. Swelling, bruising ,puffiness, and droopy eyes are common post-surgery. This will ultimately go away on its own during the healing period after a few days. It is essential to take proper care of the eyes following surgery. The pain can be controlled by taking medications prescribed by the doctor. Sutures are usually taken out after 5-7days.

Here are some typical post-surgery recovery recommendations to help you heal quickly.

  • In the first few days after surgery, the doctor will usually advise you to use ice packs for 10 to 15 minutes to help reduce swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Applying ice and cold packs to the surgery site is typically advised since it can help relieve discomfort. 
  • Taking the pain relievers given by your doctor can help lessen your pain and discomfort after surgery.
  • It is critical to rest properly to allow the body enough time to heal and to avoid unnecessary strain, both physically and mentally, following surgery. 
  • You should limit your physical activity to a minimum and avoid any strenuous physical exercises, such as lifting weights, as they can cause more harm than good during the recovery. Keeping your head elevated is important while sleeping. This helps with the reduction of swelling from the undereye area.
  • Taking precautions with your sleeping position is also important and you should always try to keep your head elevated while sleeping to avoid the fluid accumulation at the side of surgery this helps in reducing the swelling too.

What are the Risks of Eye Bag Surgery?

There are certain risks and side effects associated with blepharoplasty surgery.

  • A common risk factor is the possibility of infection and bleeding after the surgery.
  • Scarring is a frequent risk factor following surgery.
  • There can be chronic numbness or discomfort in the skin
  • Excessive swelling that takes a long time to heal
  • Dryness in the vicinity of the surgery site
  • Sun sensitivity is a common side effect of surgery.
  • Blurred eyesight for a short period
  • A typical consequence following blepharoplasty is the inability to completely close or open the eyelids, which can cause excessive dryness. However, this issue is usually resolvable and can be addressed with treatments such as eye drops, humidifiers, and so on.

If you have any of these conditions, you must talk with your surgeon.


The Eye Bag Surgery Cost in Delhi

The cost of eye bag surgery in Delhi varies. The overall cost of the procedure is determined by factors such as:

  • The cost of preoperative testing
  • Choosing a well-known clinic with a high reputation may cost you more money, but it will be worth it in the long run
  • A very skilled surgeon
  • post-operative care
  • The surgical procedure and the utilisation of cutting-edge technologies
  • Whether both upper and lower lid operations are performed or a single surgery is performed.

So, how much does eye bag surgery cost?

The usual cost of under-eye bag surgery for either the lower or upper eyelid might range between 35,000- 40,000 INR. If both upper and lower eyelid surgery is performed, the cost increases.



The Aesculpir clinic is a cutting-edge cosmetic clinic that aims to provide a holistic answer to all of your aesthetic issues under one roof. Aesculpir is the best cosmetic clinic in Delhi because of its high patient satisfaction and success rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1.  Is recovery after eye bag removal surgery painful?

Even before knowing the eye bag removal surgery prices, most people ask about their recovery. The healing process following eye surgery is quick and easy. A day or two following the surgery, most people are back at work and in their routine. Due to swelling or the lubricants and ointments applied before, during, and after the procedure, you might have trouble seeing for the first few days following surgery. You can also have a tiny bit of discoloration or bleeding, which goes away after a few days. Prescribed painkillers help with any small discomfort. Cold compresses relieve pain and edema.

  1. How much does eyelid surgery cost in India?

Eyelid surgery, often known as blepharoplasty, is a plastic surgery treatment used to improve the appearance and functionality of the eye area by repairing eyelid defects and deformities. The process is more common in females. Both the upper and lower lids can be improved with an eyelid surgery procedure.
The eyelid surgery cost in India varies depending on the required technique. Along with eyelid surgery, other procedures like fat grafting may also be required. Eyelid surgery typically costs between Rs. 40000 and Rs. 70000. (excluding taxes, investigations, implants, and medications

  1. What Factors influence eye bag removal surgery prices?

The cost of eye bag removal surgery prices depends on many factors such as
Extent of surgery
The type of hospital chosen
Fees of physicians, Surgeons, anesthetists, dieticians, etc.
Room charges
Surgery of Upper and or lower eyelids
Primary or secondary surgery
Need for browlift
Need for a midface lift
Price of Medicines and sterile dressings
Cost of follow-ups and aftercare
Regular evaluation and diagnostic processes
You can contact a board-certified plastic or cosmetic surgeon for a consultation and a personalized quote for your eyelid surgery cost in India. Many clinics in India provide the best advice and affordable rates for eye bag removal surgery.

  1. Are the results of eye bag removal surgery permanent?

The results of eye bag removal surgery are not irreversible and may change in the future. For instance, after the procedure, the fatty deposits can come back. The under-eye wrinkles could also reappear if sufficient care is not taken following the surgery. However, individuals are free to get this procedure as much as they like without spending too much since eye bag removal surgery prices are very affordable, and it is a minor surgery.

  1. Is it economical to get eyelid surgery in India?

The most significant consideration for patients considering eyelid surgery is the cost of the procedure. Cosmetic surgery has drawn millions of visitors to India from all over the world. People choose cosmetic procedures like eyelid surgery in India to take advantage of the affordable prices. Compared to other western nations, eyelid surgery cost in India is less expensive by more than 50%. Most health insurance policies do not pay the costs incurred because this surgery is elective. As a result, a lot of people search for low-cost medical facilities. For most patients from wealthy nations like the UK, France, USA, etc., India is their first choice.

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