Cost of Rhinoplasty Surgery in India

What is The Cost of Rhinoplasty Surgery in India?

Are you considering having nose plastic surgery, but are you aware of how much would rhinoplasty cost in India? Are you unsure about what is covered or what sort of surgery to select? You can trust us, though! This post will cover every topic about the price of rhinoplasty, including cost inclusions and exclusions, cost considerations, and cost-affecting variables. Read on to learn everything you need to know about professional nose surgery and nose plastic surgery costs in India.

Selecting the best rhinoplasty surgeon in India is crucial after deciding to get nose surgery. The Aesculpir is a highly recognised cosmetic clinic specializing in flawless rhinoplasty procedures.

A rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as a “nose job,” is a type of cosmetic surgery that modifies the look or improves the functionality of the nose. During a rhinoplasty, a cosmetic surgeon recreates or modifies the nose to improve its look, functioning, and form. A rhinoplasty, when carried out by the top physicians at the Aesculpir, resolves problems caused by birth defects, breathing restrictions, and nasal trauma.

Rhinoplasty Types

The best rhinoplasty surgeon in India practices at Aesculpir, which takes into account several factors, including your objectives and the limitations of your particular situation, to choose the finest type of surgery for you. Therefore, the nose surgery price in India is also determined by the type of treatment. Let’s look at the typical rhinoplasty techniques.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Lifting the soft tissue upward allows the surgeon to access the cartilage and bone of the nose. Closed rhinoplasty is the recommended procedure since patients have less visible scars and spend fewer days in the hospital.

Open Rhinoplasty

During an open rhinoplasty, medical personnel may view the nose’s anatomy up close. Although just a few incisions are needed, the majority of rhinoplasty doctors advise open rhinoplasty for patients who require considerable nose remodeling. However, the scars could be hidden by the nose’s natural features.

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

This kind of rhinoplasty is done to help make the nose bigger. Patients frequently undergo this procedure to get larger, more symmetrical-appearing nose bones.

Filler-based rhinoplasty

Minor nose adjustments can be made with a non-surgical procedure called filler rhinoplasty. Fillers are utilized in this procedure to correct minor flaws. It is not advised to use this procedure because of its fleeting effects.

Revision Rhinoplasty

It is estimated that 20% of people are dissatisfied with their rhinoplasty treatment and may require many revisions to get the ideal nose shape. Breathing problems and other minor nose abnormalities may be the main reasons for a revision rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Cost in India

After liposuction and breast surgery, rhinoplasty is the third most popular surgical operation in India. Like the West, India is witnessing a boom in demand for plastic surgery and is home to a number of the best rhinoplasty physicians worldwide.

Following an extensive consultation with your surgeon, you need to at last possess a clear comprehension of the possible hazards, the length of the recuperation process, and specifics about the nose surgery price in India.

Although rhinoplasty is a personal decision driven by both medical and aesthetic considerations, it is helpful to know what to anticipate from the nose following surgery. The average nose job cost in India is between INR 1,65,000 and INR 2,40,000.

What is Included In Rhinoplasty Cost in India

  • Surgeon’s Fee
  • Anesthesia Charges
  • Technology Used
  • Hospital set-up and room charges
  • Foods and medications during surgery
  • Immediate observation after the procedure

What is Excluded In Rhinoplasty Cost In India

  • Preoperative Tests
  • Prescription drugs for after surgery (to be taken at home after surgery).
  • Unexpected expenses that may occur due to unusual and unanticipated health situations faced by patients

Various Factors That Affect the Rhinoplasty Cost In India

The ultimate cost of nose surgery in India may depend on some factors. Let’s examine a few

  • Patient Requirements: This includes the patient’s general health, the cause for requiring rhinoplasty surgery, the type of surgery to be done to fix the problem, the structure of the patient’s nose, and the desired result of the operation.
  • The Surgeon’s Expertise & Experience: When it comes to cosmetic treatments, especially rhinoplasties, the board-certified physician has priority. The surgeon who estimates the cost of the treatment is the one who has performed nose jobs before and is certified by many national and international organizations for cosmetic surgery. Patient assessments and referrals have a big influence.
  • Fee for Anaesthesiologists: An anesthesiologist is a physician whose expertise is essential for the safety of surgery. While doing surgery, they monitor your vital signs and make the procedure comfortable.
  • Infrastructure of the Centre: Choosing a recognised facility is often better than going to a nursery center since it may provide a safe and efficient rhinoplasty operation. The NABH accredits the perfect clinic or hospital that certifies the safety and sanitary procedures associated with surgery, instrument to monitor the operating room, the level of sterility, and an instrument used for specific purposes.
  • Diagnostic Process: Pre-operative tests and evaluation findings are necessary for surgical planning. These might affect the overall nose job cost in India.
  • Hospital Stay: The private rooms, the clean surroundings, and the round-the-clock nursing personnel.
  • Post-Surgery Assistance: The price of splints, bandages, and other supplies needed to support and aid in recovery after surgery might affect the final cost.
  • Medicines: includes surgical medicines, anesthetic drugs, and disposables and consumables.
  • Follow-ups: The required follow-up appointments following the procedure may drive up the nose plastic surgery cost in India.

Rhinoplasty Cost In Delhi India

The rhinoplasty cost in Delhi India is influenced by several aspects that ultimately decide the total cost. The rhinoplasty cost in Delhi is listed in the following table:

Expenses Cost in INR
Consultation Fee 1000 – 2000 / per visit
Surgeon’s Charges 25,000 – 30,000
Surgical Team 13,000 – 15,000
OT Charges 13,000 – 50,000
Anesthesia Charges 7,000 – 8,000
Medications & Dressings 5,000 – 15,000
Diagnostic Tests & Evaluations 4,500 – 10,000
Room Rent 6,000 – 12,000 / per day

Note: The costs displayed above are estimates. They might differ according to the hospital and the patient. Do not hesitate to contact experts at The Aesculpir for additional information and a personalized rhinoplasty cost in Delhi.

Transform Your Nose With The Aesculpir

Ready to enhance your beauty and project confidence? The Aesculpir houses the best rhinoplasty surgeon in India, providing excellent service at a reasonable cost. Choose The Aesculpir for precise nose surgery that will improve the harmonious appearance of your face while ensuring customized care and natural results. We provide the most economical rhinoplasty cost in Delhi, so learn the technique of nose reshaping without going overboard. Put your faith in us to use nose shaping to highlight your unique beauty.

To start your journey towards regaining the attractiveness of your facial features, schedule an appointment with experts at The Aesculpir right now!


How much does a nose job cost in India?

The intricacy of the treatment, hospital amenities, and the surgeon’s experience all affect the nose plastic surgery cost in India. It might be anything from INR 1,65,000 to INR 2,40,000 or more on average. A skilled surgeon should be consulted for an exact estimate that takes into account each patient’s needs and preferences.

Is India safe for rhinoplasty?

India is home to a large number of highly trained plastic surgeons and several medical facilities that meet international standards. It’s important to do your homework and pick a reliable surgeon and authorized facility, just like you would with any medical operation. Getting a thorough consultation, reading reviews, and verifying credentials may all help guarantee a secure and positive rhinoplasty procedure in India.

Is it painful to get a nose job?

Although some discomfort is to be expected throughout the healing phase, anesthesia is used during the rhinoplasty process to minimize suffering. Patients may have some oedema and slight discomfort after surgery, but these side effects may be controlled with prescription drugs. Everybody experiences pain differently, and following post-operative care guidelines helps promote a more pleasant recovery.

Who is No. 1 rhinoplasty surgeon in India?

The Aesculpir is your answer if you are looking for the best rhinoplasty surgeon in India. In addition to treating structural and functional issues with the nose, the surgeons at The Aesculpir are skilled in creating a proportional, aesthetically pleasing nose from one that is malformed, has structural damage, needs corrective surgery or just to enhance for aesthetic reasons. At The Aesculpir you can not only get the most affordable nose plastic surgery cost in India but also the most natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing results.

Is it safe to have nose surgery?

Rhinoplasty is usually safe when done by experts at the Aesculpir who are trained and experienced. Like every procedure, there are some risks and problems, but they can be reduced with appropriate pre-operative planning, following safety guidelines, and receiving post-operative care. For a safe and effective nose surgery procedure, you must express any concerns you may have with your doctor and heed their advice.

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