Tummy Tuck

Extended Tummy Tuck: Procedure, Pictures, Cost, and More

Excess fat around the abdomen is a common problem among males and females. A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty helps correct this condition. This surgery is designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area.  

An extended tummy tuck is quite similar to a regular tummy tuck. The difference between a regular tummy tuck and an extended tummy tuck is that the latter also targets the love handles and the flank area. In some cases, it might also target the excess skin of the lateral thigh.

This cosmetic surgical procedure improves the shape and appearance of the abdomen, thus helping in boosting the overall boosting image.

The ideal candidates for an extended tummy tuck are:

  • People who have lost a lot of weight and have excess loose skin.  
  • those who want to slim the appearance of their stomach and flanks.
  • Stretched skin and weakened abdominal wall after pregnancy & childbirth.
  • Inability to achieve desired body shape through diet and exercise regimes.

What is an Extended Tummy Tuck?

An extended tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure to remove the excess skin and fat from the mid-section. This helps, not only in excess fat removal but also greatly enhances the physical appearance.

An incision is placed below the bikini line to remove the excess fat from the belly button to the pubic area. The connective tissue in the abdomen is tightened as it might have loosened or got torn. The skin is laid flat, and the belly button is re-attached, giving the skin a smoother, flatter appearance. Often, liposuction is done on the flank and hip area to trim the body further.

An extended tummy tuck helps remove loose, excess skin and fat and tighten weak fascia. It can also help remove stretch marks and excess skin in the lower abdomen below the belly button. 

However, an extended tummy tuck is not indicated under the following conditions:

  • History of previous abdominal surgery. 
  • Presence of chronic conditions like heart disease or diabetes.
  • For losing a significant amount of weight.
  • Possibility of pregnancy in the future.
  • Morbid obesity (BMI>30)
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption

| Also Read: Tummy Tuck Surgery: Procedure, Cost and Benefits |

Advantage of extended Tummy Tuck

Procedure of an Extended Tummy Tuck?

An extended tummy tuck is a process of removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen and repairing any muscles that might loosen or tear during the procedure. The incision is made above the pubic hairline and wraps around the lower back. The excess skin and fat are removed from the stomach and flank area through this.

  • In this cosmetic surgery, the surgeon will make an incision between the hip bones, low in the pubic area. If there has been previously a c-section done, the same scar might be reopened.
  • Any muscles that have been separated during the procedure are sewn together and tightened.
  • The belly button is cut off, and liposuction might be performed to remove extra fat.
  • Excess skin is removed from the tummy and the flank area, and the skin is tightened.
  • Lastly, the belly button is sutured in its original position to give the look of a flat belly. However, if the patient and the surgeon decide to change the look of the belly button, it may be sutured differently.

| Also Read: Can I Get A Tummy Tuck After A C-Section? |

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What Is the Cost of Extended Tummy Tuck?

The cost of the procedure might vary depending on the surgeon, the volume of fat and skin, and the size of the area to be operated on.  

As compared to a tummy tuck surgery, the price for an extended tummy tuck surgery might be slightly higher as it’s an advanced version of the former. 

Extended tummy tuck surgery in India can cost approximately between INR 1,50,000 to INR 2,00,000. This is the cost only for the surgery. Anesthesia, liposuction, medicines, and hospital stay will escalate the cost further.

Because extended tummy tucks surgery is usually done for aesthetic reasons, it is not covered under insurance.

What to Expect After an Extended Tummy Tuck Surgery?

After an extended tummy tuck surgery, the abdominal incision and the belly button would be covered with a surgical dressing. Small tubes might be placed alongside the incision site to drain any excess blood or fluid.

Pain and swelling normally persist after surgery but can be managed by medications. Also, the doctor might advise the patient to walk as early as on the first day of surgery with help so as to prevent the formation of blood clots. The patient would require to sleep in an incline position for the first few days of the surgery so as to reduce swelling.

 The patient who has undergone an extended tummy tuck surgery is usually advised to wear a supportive abdominal garment for approximately 6 weeks after the surgery. This provides support to the abdominal muscles during recovery.

The patient needs to take care of the first 6 weeks following the surgery. The positions which might strain the incision site, like quickly bending at the waist, should be avoided. However, a little walking is advisable, but strenuous physical activity should be avoided.

Some patients might experience numbness or a pulling sensation for weeks or months after the surgery, but it’s normal and often fades with time. Swelling and bruising might take up to 3 months to disappear, and the scar may take longer to fade.

Complete recovery might take several weeks, and patience is the key to successful recovery. 

| Also Read: Tummy Tuck – Recovery Time and Recovery Tips |

Take Away

Extended tummy tuck surgery is a common aesthetic surgery that has gained popularity. Its success and popularity can be attributed to good and successful results in both men and women.

The recovery from the surgery requires patience, but it is manageable. It is a slow process, and the wounds might take time to heal, but with proper guidance, the goal of complete recovery is attainable.  

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the appropriate age to undergo for an extended tummy tuck?

Generally, people between 18-68 years fall in the appropriate range for this surgery. It can, however, be performed in people of older ages, but it’s important to consider the health of the patient.

  • Does an extended tummy tuck target the thighs also?

Yes. As the incision is extended to the flanks, this surgery also targets the upper lateral thighs .

  • Does an extended tummy tuck lift your pubic area?

Yes. This surgery enhances the appearance of the pubic area as well. But if the pubic area is saggier, it might be of no or little help.

  • What’s the alternative to an extended tummy tuck?

It depends on the extent of the excess skin and fat in the abdominal wall.. If there are loads of excess skin and fat around the abdominal area, this is the best surgical procedure.Liposuction  can only target the fat but will not be of help in case of excess loose skin.

  • How long does extended tummy tuck surgery last?

The extended tummy tuck surgery lasts for approximately 3 to 5 hours.

  • When can the patient stop wearing a compression garment after an extended tummy tuck?

The patient needs to wear compression garments for at least six to eight weeks after the surgery.

  • What is the maximum BMI for an extended tummy tuck?

The surgery is not performed in patients with BMI over 40.

  • Will an extended tummy tuck make the stomach flat?

Yes it removes excess skin and fat and also tighten the weak underlying muscles to give a flat belly 

  • Will there be a lot of swelling following the surgery?

Swelling is a common symptom after any surgery. It’s normal and lasts for a few weeks. Anti-inflammatory drugs can easily manage it.

  • How can the risk of blood clots be reduced following extended abdominal surgery?

Following are the tips that minimize the risk of blood clots:

  • Avoid smoking for about 4 weeks before and after surgery;
  • Avoid contraceptives and hormonal pills for a few weeks before and after the surgery.
  • Light walks after the surgery will help to reduce clots.
  • Wear the compression garments for at least eight weeks after the surgery.
  • Sleep in an incline position.

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